Table X Nesting & Folding

Table X Nesting & Folding

Table X Nesting & Folding Tables

TableX Nesting & Folding Tables offer practical solutions for various table configurations.

Key Features:

  • Efficient Folding Mechanisms: Rectangular and racetrack tables that are 60″ or longer utilize two standard folding mechanisms, allowing the bases to fold toward each other and end up toe-to-toe. This compact folding results in a total thickness of 4.75″, and six of these tables can fit on a standard table cart.
  • Space-Saving Round Tables: Large round tables are equipped with a double-T short-folding mechanism, where the bases fold one over the other, creating a total thickness of 6.75″. Four of these tables can fit on a standard table cart, saving valuable storage space.
  • Easy Nesting: TableX provides single T nesting tables available in various shapes and sizes. The nesting feature simplifies storage and space utilization, making it convenient for training or flexible workspace arrangements.
  • Diverse Base Styles: With an array of base styles, TableX offers a wide range of options to match your preferred look and budget, ensuring flexibility in design and functionality.

TableX Nesting & Folding Tables make it easy to configure and store tables efficiently, whether you’re setting up a training room, a meeting space, or any area where versatile tables are needed. Their smart folding mechanisms and diverse base styles cater to a range of requirements.